Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.
Wen Multichain? Now. OpenSea Pro just became the go-to destination to buy, sell, and list NFTs across marketplaces AND blockchains!

You now have increased control when listing ERC-1155 items, allowing you to list your items at different prices in a single flow. Click the “Split” icon next to the price input field to create multiple listings in one go!
And there’s more👇
- More Granular ERC-1155 Listings🔎: easily access all your active listings of a single ERC-1155 item instead of only the lowest priced one right from the listings tab.
- Improved Listing Management on Profile Page🟢: see at a glance how many of your items are listed, with a green ball indicating which items are currently up for sale.

You can now sweep NFTs in your native tongue - including Français, Deutsch, Español, 日本語, 한국어, 中文 (简体) and 中文 (繁体)! Click on "Language Selector" in the profile drop-down menu and say goodbye to language barriers!

You can now create private listings for designated wallet addresses using our trusted platform - without paying any platform fees!
Private Sales offers:
- 💐 Bundle Listings:tailor private listings to your specific needs by grouping multiple NFTs from different collections together.
- 🤝 ERC1155 Support:buy, sell, and list both ERC721 and ERC1155 items right out of the gate.

Stay on top of the meta! You can now copy the decks of other Parallel players by importing their deck codes into OpenSea Pro. Add missing cards to your cart in one go! Say goodbye to building decks card-by-card!

Having trouble monitoring your inventory on collection pages? You can now track how many items of an ERC-1155 item you’re holding - making your collecting experience more informative than ever!

You can now see the floor price of a specific ERC-1155 item, rather than its collection floor price, in the listing flow. Quickly list it at this price using the “Floor” toggle.

You can now relist items for a higher price while you manage your listings. Just enter your new price, and we’ll prompt you to cancel any previous listings — all in one go!

Level up your game with an unparalleled buying experience on OpenSea Pro today.
You can now:
- Filter by game stats 🔎
- View card stats on the item details page 🃏
- Sweep Parasets with ease 🧹

Constantly checking floor prices? You can now keep track of periodic floor price % changes on the OpenSea Pro homepage. Get NFT floor price activity on Ethereum in a single view!

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